Alzheimers Disease Journal
(AKA Adventures with Mum and Aunty Norrie)

Welcome to our Alzheimers Disease Journal or as I call it Adventures with Mum and Aunty Norrie.

As the main Carer of both my dear mother and darling Aunty Norrie (my mother’s spinster sister) there is no doubt that I have my fair share of adventure, surprises and exasperation.

I started writing Adventures with Mum and Norrie a few years ago. It began as an email update to friends and family when the three of us went away on a short holiday. However when we got back everybody said they enjoyed receiving the daily journal entries so much that I have kept up with the writing of them, if not the emailing of them.

All about Alzheimers, though, seems the perfect place to print my Alzheimers Disease Journal. In doing so I hope it will offer support to other Carers and family members, and also provide a regular insight to those who have not been touched by the disease.

If you enjoy the journal entries please visit this site often to read the updates, or better still RSS our blog and be notified when there is a new episode to my Adventures with Mum and Norrie for you to read.

Adventures With Mum And Aunty Norrie

Adventure 1 - It must be Coles  

Adventure 2 - Sisters

Adventure 3 - Have you taken your tablets?

Adventure 4 - I've done it this way for 40 years

Adventure 5 - But ...  

Adventure 6 - Webster-Paks

Adventure 7 - I haven't needed a Webster-pak for the last 40 years!

Adventure 8 - Government blackmail

Adventure 9 - Health Department blackmail

Adventure 10 - I don't want strangers in my house

Adventure 11 - The Carers are drinking all my coffee

Adventure 12 - I only need 1 Carer, not 6!

Adventure 13 - More Health Department blackmail

Adventure 14 - Norrie goes to hospital

Adventure 15 - Pam, something's wrong with Aunty Norrie

Adventure 16 - Bickering

Adventure 17 - The precious days

Adventure 18 - She seemed so normal

Adventure 19 - Building new units

Adventure 20 - It was the new medication

Adventure 21 - Lost medication

Adventure 22 - I had a dream

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